Shekinah’s Joy
Holistic Massage Therapist

About This Healer

CoCo Smith is a queer artist who has worked to heal through the performing arts for over a decade and who received the calling to now also heal with their hands. They are a licensed massage therapist in the great state of New York and a graduate of the Swedish Institute who has studied and received Reiki healing since 2017. CoCo completed their Reiki certification through Vibra Wellness in 2020 by Jissel Ravelo in lineage under William Lee Rand of the International Reiki Institute. CoCo connects and listens to the guidance of client concerns, knowledge in medical western and eastern analysis of the body, and intuition to tune into and create a session tailored to each client's healing needs.

Reiki Sessions with CoCo address depletion, depression, anxiety, and unease with any part of your lived and creative experiences. They include spiritual upliftment and can address trauma at a holistic level.


*May use incense, holy smoke, auric cleansing mists, sacred stones, sound meditations, candles and other healing tools with consent of the client.